What do you see when you look at your 2019 goals? The long term goal or the details that you have to work through? I am not going to tell you that all you need to do is believe and visualize your goals and it will come true. That is optimistic, not realistically optimistic and […]
Effective networking from my Perspective
What is our networking goal? More important is what are you looking to accomplish with your networking efforts? Do you even have a strategy? Every company and each person within that company may have a different objective. That sets me up for my disclaimer that if everyone is different then there is no way I can […]
Why is it so important for us to work with affiliates?
WaterView Business Partners LLC Our affiliates There is nothing that anyone of us accomplished that was done completely alone. When it comes to helping you develop, maintain and embrace your plan you will also not do it alone. We have been working with a wide range of affiliates that allow us to assist beyond the […]
Do you volunteer your time?
Over the past few weeks both Ian Greenblatt and I, Brian Cohen, have visited with the school two different High Schools for their student career planning efforts My set up was a little different then Ian’s. In our case we held small group discussions with students. Our group lent itself toward guest speakers. They […]